Need help building a winning awards program?

Awards 101 Ebook

Topics include:

  • An introduction to awards programs (and why it’s worth doing!)

  • Program participants – a look at who will be involved

  • The awards lifecycle and how to prepare for every phase of the program

  • How to choose an awards system with a helpful checklist on what you’ll need

  • 9 Quick tips for success


Who is this guide for?

This guide is for every awards program wanting to attract sponsors to their programs:

  • Awards: Nominations, contests or competitions.

  • Grants: Grant-making or gift-giving organisations

  • Creative awards: Music, film, design, photography or art prizes

  • Startup: Incubator, accelerator, VC or funding programs

  • Academic: Scholarships, abstracts, fellowships or portfolios.

  • HR: Staff excellence or employee recognition

Download our free “Awards 101” guide.
A complete overview of how to build a successful awards program and manage it like a pro.